Monday, March 21, 2011

Charitable Contributions.

Charity involves understanding and a high level of empathy. We all have our favorite charities. I personally like friends who look charitably at TCL. In turn, TCL and its committed employees look charitably at other worthwhile community projects and organizations. It’s an extension of outreach and a commitment we make to our overall pledge to serve the public. I encourage benevolence to others, and I believe we collectively display that mindset to our students through a meaningful “pay it forward” attitude.

This past week I had a delightful conversation with two dear friends who truly know what it is to be charitable. They are very generous with their time and their charitable contributions. What got my attention during this conversation was their expectation of receiving notes and letters of appreciation for their donations. Their comments reinforced what the literature describes. Donors truly want to be recognized and thanked for their charitable contributions.

It is important to develop a benevolent mindset and to always remember to be thankful in everything we do. The simple act of being gracious by offering thanks goes a long way and sends a powerful message to the giver. Offering a heartfelt thank you goes far toward establishing a genuine long-term relationship. It is so easy to do. It is a good lesson for us to habitually practice the attitude of gratitude in all of our daily doings.

1 comment:

  1. So true - especially with the 'entitlement mindset' that seems to have developed over the last generation or so. Not to mention the fact that it's just good manners to show appreciation for generosity!
