Friday, December 11, 2009

It's the Holiday Season.

I love it. There’s that special magic in the air. Stop by my office and the odds are favorable that you’ll hear holiday music. It’s a special time when both Joan and I play the same tunes. The music and seasonal continuity put me in a good holiday type of mood.

The holiday season yields a special opportunity to reflect on special events and special people. I believe the season is also a time when members of our campus community reflect on their obligation to serve our students through creative and responsive initiatives that inspire learning. The season also involves all types of end-of-semester activities. My seasonal reflection takes on a humble tone as I am honored to work with a committed group of talented individuals every day of the year.

It’s no secret that we’re experiencing dwindling financial support from traditional means. This condition has not caused us to retreat; conversely, it has inspired all of us to work harder to accomplish what we’re obligated to do. What we realize is that the economic conditions impact everyone in difficult ways, and while we work longer and harder, we keep a considerate mind on those who struggle and seek meaningful work.

For us at TCL, hard work has benefits with larger numbers of students attending TCL. In fact, those numbers have sustained us so far this year, and we have been able to survive additional state budget cuts without impacting staff reductions or service curtailment to students. It’s probable that more financial cuts are in the works, but the strength of the student enrollment looks very positive as we look toward the New Year and the start of a new academic semester. From a revenue perspective, we’re good, and we are not planning on scaling back by eliminating jobs or our continued commitment to customer service.

So, to employees, I say thank you for your hard work. We will continue to work hard in the coming year creating the magic that we all do so well. To our students, we are honored you selected TCL, and we pledge our continuing support. This is such a special place and I am honored to serve our community, internal and external, through the inspired leadership of the TCL Area Commission.

May the magic and majesty of this beautiful season fill your hearts with goodwill and peace.