Friday, April 16, 2010

Enterprise Campus Designation

As a representative of TCL, I have a wonderful opportunity to meet many creative individuals who come to the coast to live and some who relocate their businesses here. They want to get involved with higher education, and many times, these folk have novel ideas that are worth pursuing. However, their timeframes are different. They want it now and they want to see what we can do to help them accomplish their initiatives in a partnership framework.

The Enterprise Campus concept/designation allows that to happen. It is an incentive that will allow TCL to combine efforts with campus based functions of applied research and instruction along with the implementation options designed to bring a product to the marketplace with vigorous excitement. An Enterprise Campus will prompt growth in human and investment capital ---- in the name of economic development, which translates directly with an investment in human capital for job growth.

The concept is right for our area. It suggests that TCL is open to and for business. The Enterprise Campus designation will allow TCL to move forward with less cumbersome bureaucracy thus aligning with the way the corporate world does business.

On March 26, Governor Sanford exercised executive privilege and vetoed the Enterprise Campus bill that was properly prepared, uncontested in both the SC House and Senate, and ratified through our Lt. Governor. An override is in the works.

I’m personally grateful to our Lowcountry legislative delegation for supporting TCL’s Enterprise Campus bill override. I’m proud to know bold leaders who are committed to education and opportunity. On the Senate side, I value the leadership of Senators Pinckney and Davis. On the House side, I value the leadership of Representatives Erickson, Chalk, Herbkersman, Bowers, Brantley, Hodges, and Littlejohn.

I have faith in the override process. Watch what can happen when we get creative. The Enterprise Campus designation will open doors to new avenues of economic development. The process works, and so will the people in the Lowcountry with the passing of this bill.