Thursday, September 9, 2010

It’s All About Jobs.

In a recent speech, President Obama claimed that education is the economic issue of our time. He’s right. We need to rally behind educational opportunities at all levels and take an investment perspective.

In June, the Center on Education and the Workforce at George Mason University, under the talented work of Tony Carnaville, said the U.S. is on a collision course with the future since far too few Americans complete college. The report went on to say that by 2018, the economy will have jobs for 22 million new workers with college degrees, but based on current projections, there will be:
a. a shortage of 3 million workers for jobs needed by individuals who have some postsecondary degree (associate or higher) and,
b. a shortage of 4.7 million workers for jobs that require a postsecondary certificate.

TCL is starting another academic year with record enrollments. There are people for jobs, and we need to make sure there are jobs for people. Many dedicated people in our local communities are behind the economic development movement. I believe the economy will recover. The Lowcountry, with all its appeal, is the place that will grow, and as it does, count on TCL, through the learning channels and academic programs we maintain, to prepare the people with marketable skills for jobs. I’m thankful for an engaged faculty and staff. Together, we’ll survive the downturn and move into more prosperous times. There is a very bright future ahead, and now is the time to prepare for it. Our students are here in full force leading us on this journey with inquisitive minds to shape. I’m also grateful for their optimistic attitude and investment in their future for the jobs that await them.

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