Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Saying Yes to Opportunity

Many times we are “called” to respond to requests that are outside of our zones of comfort. It’s not always easy to respond with engaged enthusiasm; however, when we avoid instances that extend us, our inner peace wins, and we regress to passive involvement. That’s easy and unfortunately too common.

This week I have the fortuitous opportunity to meet TCL’s new cadre of Student Ambassadors, a group of 10 students who were selected to the honorable post based on their academic success and their willingness to serve their fellow students as visible advocates for TCL and its vision and mission. When I meet with them, I’m prepared to challenge them to make a difference and, in short, consider a YES mentality: saying yes to sacrifice, to temptation, to complacency, and in general saying yes to service. Saying yes is positive. Saying yes is convicting. Saying yes, with full intention to deliver, is what produces results. Too many times I see people form the rejection position before adequately considering the benefits.

Students and faculty are the lifeblood of TCL. The classroom, dynamic with ample learning opportunities, is special. I guarantee there are life changing interactions happening in our classrooms/laboratories every day that encourage the YES posture. It is powerful and it is where change begins. Let’s strive to get that exchange outside of our classrooms where real change happens. It requires a shift from laboratory simulation to practice in the field or profession.

Saying yes to opportunity opens paths that challenge and make us stronger. It allows us to step into situations where we make new friends, face new challenges and display leadership that shows willingness. Give me a willing individual any day over a stubborn mind set. A willing nature is what exists in our students, and then one day, that willingness gets the fuse lit. When that fuse is lit, it won’t be long before the explosion happens. Stand back. Let’s always encourage and reward a willing attitude to say yes to opportunity, for the benefit of embracing the unknown and for the hope of making a difference.

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